Hello September!
Hello September! Hello Friends! Wow! Did Summer go fast or what??? Don't know who noticed, but I didn't send out an August newsletter....

Hello July!
The first month of summer is now behind us! I have been having a blast enjoying my new puppy Sparkle and my granddaughters. We have...

April Newsletter!
Welcome Springtime!! Hello April!! What crazy weather we have had! 46 degrees in April? Whaaattt? My Newsletter is a little late...

March Newsletter
Hello my friends! It's March! We are on the fast track to spring and I am especially excited about the time change on March 11! I'm...

It's the Month of Love! | February Newsletter
Bonjour! It's the month of Love! I love the month of February! It's the month of my son's birthday and it's also the month of L-O-V-E! ...