Sweet, Intimate Wedding - Javier & Clair
Sometimes a small wedding is just perfect. The focus isn't on the wedding, it's on the bride & groom. They have carefully chose only...

Shop & Sip Event!
I love my Shop & Sip nights. I dress a little nicer than usual, I try to come up with fun snacks & drinks and I prepare to visit with...

We Survived Summer 2016
School ended just as I was coming out of the busiest seasons of my photography career. 4 back-to-back Weddings and several photo shoots. ...

Building an Instagram Following
I recently took an Instagram Workshop. I have always pretty much ignored Instagram because I didn't think it was helping my business...

Bridal Boudoir | Kalli
If you have followed me for any length of time, you know that Boudoir is my ultra-favorite type of photo shoot. I don't believe there...

Cutest pups EVER
This has to be one of the most fun photo shoots I've ever done! Karen raises, trains and shows Samoyed dogs and she had 6 new adorable...

Boudoir Photo Shoot | Kaylene
My friend Kaylene and I were having a drink one afternoon and she seemed down in the dumps. After we talked about it for a while I told...

The Club at Colony Creek Wedding | The Bowen Love Story
Scott & Ling's relationship began from two different sides of the world. But love doesn't know distance! Once they met there was no...

A South Texas afternoon in July. I was worried about the heat. But I arrived in Riverside Park and was pleasantly surprised to find a...

Wedding Chat With Sande - The Geode Cake
I have learned that the next big trend in Wedding cakes is the Geode cake. The What cake????? Geode. So I had to look that up - "Geodes...