Harvey Has Stolen My Joy
Day 9 with no electricity. According to the AEP website, it will be today. I hope it's true. I am sitting by my front window while it's...

Surviving Hurricane Harvey
I'm here. Today is Day 6 since hurricane Harvey slammed into our city. I haven't posted much because the creative corner of my brain is...

The Hall at Moulton Oaks | Ty & Michelle's Sweet Wedding Day
While in high school, Ty was part of a guy group who loved to hang out and play X-Box games. One day a group of girls came by to visit. ...

5 Tips to Successfully Photograph Your Children
I have two granddaughters who have been photographed by me from the moment they left their momma's womb. My oldest - Alana loves the...

Wedding Chat with Sande | Online Wedding Planning?
In June, I had the honor of attending the 10th Anniversary party of The One Bride Guide Magazine in Corpus Christi. My assistant Vicki...

Tips to Taking Great Vacation Photos
I am so happy that I got to take a weekend off. Timmy & I took our sweet granddaughters, Alana & Brianna to Medina, Texas. We stayed in...

Houston Arboretum & Nature Center | The Enchanting Wedding of Cody & Grace
Cody decided to give E-Harmony a try. 4 days after signing up he was matched to a young lady named Grace. He messaged her and a week...

Wedding Chat with Sande | Changing your Name after the Wedding
Women are so independent. They have careers, they are beautiful, intelligent and strong (throw your hands up at me!). So the first...

Benefits of Activated Charcoal for your Skin
I only recently discovered Activated Charcoal and I can't get enough of it!! What is activated charcoal? According to Wikipedia -...

Wedding Planning Checklist
Wedding planning can be so intimidating, especially for a first time bride. There is so much to do! Planning ahead can help keep the...