Adrienne contacted me about doing a Family Session and because of our similar busy schedules, we didn't get to meet for a...

Pro Headshots | Jaclyn
She's beautiful. She's smart. She sings beautifully. She's sweet. She loves Jesus. And she photographs perfectly. This young lady...

OMG. That's what I said to myself when I first saw Taylor. OMG. Those eyes! AND I LOVE TO PHOTOGRAPH REDHEADS!! A red head cannot take a...

And Just Like That - It's June!
And just like that - it's June! Where did May go? May is a long month and yet it came and went like the wind. It has been a whirlwind...

Bridal Session | Brittany
Brittany & Adriano met at church. They became fast friends and enjoyed each other's company. It was a full year before Adriano asked...

Victoria West H.S. Seniors | Yori & Vivian
When Rosita told me her daughters were twins, I truly expected identical twins. But as you can see from the photos - Yori & Vivian are...

Victoria East H.S. Senior | Haleigh
Haleigh's photo shoot almost didn't happen. The day of her photo shoot was typical South Texas weather. It was cloudy and windy and...

Victoria College Graduate | Ashley
Ashley came to my studio last fall. She was so excited her upcoming graduation from Victoria College in the Spring. First thing I...

Victoria West H.S. Senior | Emanuel
I was so pleased when I saw Emanuel get out of his mom's truck - he was all dressed up in a suit. You know how I love it when a young...

Victoria West H.S. Senior | Katlyn
I met Katlyn early last fall when I photographed her boyfriend Cameron. She was quiet and sweet. I was very happy when she asked me to...