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Aaron & Sharah were both freshmen at Oral Roberts University and were both enrolled in the Oral Communications class. The professor had set the chairs around the room so everyone was facing one another. Aaron and Sharah were directly across from each other and laid eyes on one another. Both being a bit shy they let two months go by without talking. But Aaron was slowing moving himself around the room inching his way closer to Sharah. Finally he introduced himself to Sharah. Later that evening he texted her and invited her to a baseball game. Their first date was on March 10, 2017. They went to the baseball game and it was a super cold evening - perfect for cuddling!! That was it. They were inseparable after that!!

Aaron knew 2021 was the time to make sure Sharah spent the rest of her life with him. In the fall of 2020, he designed a beautiful engagement ring using a diamond that belonged to his great great grandmother. The ring was perrrr-fect-ion. With the help of his mom Amanda, he booked a photo session to capture the special moment. Sharah was told they were taking a "couples session" Sharah loved this idea!

The photo session was scheduled on a mild weathered Sunday afternoon at the family's country property. Aaron wanted to include his super cool 1979 Ford pickup which he has been working on to get it in perfect running order. The truck is also a sweet part of their love story. The Ford belonged to Aaron's PaPa Wendel. Aaron has fond memories of riding in the pastures and feeding cows with his Papa. Shara also fell in love with this truck!!

We took several couple and individual photos and at the right moment, Aaron asked me to back up so that I could capture the two of them and the truck. I knew this was "the moment". Aaron turned to Sharah and dropped to one knee and pulled out the beautiful engagement ring. Sharah was so surprised! She said "Yes! Yes!" He got up and they hugged and she said "Yes, a thousand times yes". I'm not gonna lie - it was kinda hard to snap photos with lucy goosys and tears!!

Aaron & Sharah are planning a fall wedding in Sharah's hometown of Columbus, Ohio. I'm sure Sharah is going to be a stunning bride and Aaron will be so very handsome. These two are such sweet hearts and I am so grateful and blessed that I was a small part of this very special moment in their lives!! I can still cry when I think about it!! Thank you Aaron & Sharah and mom Amanda!!



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