Two years ago I photographed a lovely young lady named Bianca so you can imagine how happy I was when I got a call from Bianca's mom - she had another senior - Olivia!!
If I had to describe Olivia in one word it would be - DELIGHTFUL! I think you can see that when you see her bright smile in these photos. She wanted to start her session at an adorable bakery here in town (Karen's SweetPea Cupcakery). I loved that idea! The bakery created a beautiful, soft backdrop for Olivia. She then switched into her favorite outfit - her overalls! Didn't I tell you this girl was fun? Mom followed us around with proud tears in her eyes.
Another fun fact - Olivia is a talented singer! If you saw my sneak peek of her session, you read that she serenaded me at the end of our evening. During her photo session, we discussed the movies we had seen and we both agreed that we loved "A Star is Born". Olivia sang "Shallow" to me, completely acapella! I was blown away!!!
At St. Joe and Victoria Theatre, Olivia has appeared in many of productions. She is in love with theatre and being on stage. She even arranged for us to photograph her on stage at St. Joseph Fine Arts room with just a few of her playbills.
Olivia plans to attend Austin Community College and then transfer to film school. She wants to write and direct. Sounds like a perfect fit to me!!
Thank you to her mom Zoila for trusting me with another one of your lovely daughters. I am very blessed to call all of you my friends.