Emili & Dean are one of my favorite couples. I did a very adventurous engagement photo session & Emili's bridals with them about 3 years ago, plus Emili and I did a very beautiful Boudoir session as a gift to Dean and then we've also done Christmas photos.
So you see, I've established a very sweet friendship with this adorable couple. I was soooo excited for them when they announced that they were expecting a little baby!!
Our photo session was a very pretty day, however, it had been a seriously rainy week. Our plan was to do our shoot at Patriot's Park but when we got there, the gates were closed. It had been too rainy and was too muddy so they were not allowing people in. So we decided to move forward just using the property around the park. And we created magic.
Emili looked amazing - she had her makeup done by Celina Lane Beauty. She was radiant! Dean is just adorable - he is such a sweetheart. They are so sweet to one another. Emili's sister was present as well and I can tell that she is so excited to be an auntie.
Since the photo shoot, Emili & Dean have had their precious little baby boy named Elijah. He was born healthy and as good looking as his parents. Emili & Dean are going to be amazing parents! Congratulations to Emili & Dean and I wish you nothing but the best.