Quinceanera Session | Kaitlynn
Kaitlyn and her family came to my studio and I was struck by how beautiful she looked! Then she put on her gorgeous charcoal colored gown and we were all blown away! She was stunning! It is obvious that Kaitlynn is adored by her family - she had lots of family who wanted to come make memories with her session.
The story of how Kaitlynn came to have a Quinceañera party is quite amusing. Her parents gave her a choice - either a trip or a party. Kaitlynn said she'd really prefer a trip and wanted to go to Disney. So her parents happily booked a trip. But then a family dinner was planned to celebrate her her birthday. The family dinner grew and grew until boom - it was a full Quinceañera party!! This family is just a blast!
It is easy to see why Kaitlynn's family is so happy to celebrate her. She is such an accomplished young lady. Kaitlynn has maintained all A's since grade school. She has been awarded the Board of Excellence award for being top 5 in her class in 5th, 6th and 8th grade. In 8th grade, she became a recipient of Beat the Odds college scholarship program. Wow!! She has also been inducted into the National Junior Honor Society, has served as their Vice-President AND named Miss NJHS!! She also has served as President of Student Council. She will start her sophomore year with being top 3% of her class!! WOW! WOW!!
If that isn't enough, Kaitlynn is serving her second year in honors band as a flute player with the Victoria West Band of Warriors. In her 9th grade year, she advanced to state with her UIL Ensemble.
And that's not all! Kaitlynn was also a member of an organization called PALS where she helped with community projects and "Stand Up Against Bullies" and "Say No To Drugs" and with that she had the opportunity to host many prayer gatherings at her school. As you can see, Kaitlyn holds her education close to her heart but not as close as holding on to her beliefs in Christ. She is very involved with her church and always ready to help in any way. She is currently President of the young ministry at her church - Jerusalem Family Praise Center - and leads the media every Sunday.
This is a long list of accomplishments!! May I remind you this young lady is only 15? I'm blown away for sure! What I saw during our session was a sweet, carefree, playful young lady. And that smile! Her dimples stole the show for sure!! I could see the love and respect she had for every single member of her family who would not have missed this time with her for the world. We had such a wonderful time at our shoot. She was lovely in her gown and then she changed into some adorable outfits that highlighted her beauty and personality. I am so blessed to have been a part of this precious chapter in their lives!!!
Thanks to Kaitlynn and her mom Josie for choosing me! And two thumbs up for the team who made her sooo gorgeous - her makeup artist was Nydia Wyatt and her hair stylist was Kristen Turek. Great job ladies - she was flawless!