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Take your Dog to Work Day

Today is National Take Your Dog to Work Day!! I work at home so everyday is take your dog to work day around here. But I thought I would share my puppy story with you.

Timmy and I have been dogless for several years. Our last dog, Max, passed away a long time ago. His death left us not wanting to open our hearts to another dog. But a couple of years ago, my daughter Desiree got a new puppy named Scotty. Scotty was soooo adorable, I got puppy fever. Bad. I wanted a Scotty of my own. Timmy was dead set - no. No dogs. I pouted. I asked sweetly. I would text him pictures of cute puppies for sale. He wouldn't budge.

But after a couple of years of my whining, I could tell he was slowly beginning to give in. Then I got a text from my son. He said a little puppy showed up at his house. He had been all around his neighborhood and couldn't find the owners. Would I be interested in this puppy? So I told Timmy "We can just foster him until the owner is found." So Timmy said "ok, tell them to bring him over." They brought me the cutest little puppy - I fell in love on sight. Foster nothing. I wanted this puppy as my own. I named him CoCo. Here is a picture of CoCo:

Look at that sweet face!!!! So in true Sande Style, the next morning I went shopping. I took CoCo to Pets Mart and to Local Pet. He got all the best food and chews. I ordered all kinds of stuff from Amazon. I bought a new crate and pillow. I was in love with CoCo. I was potty and crate training him. I was prepared to spoil him rotten. Three days later I got the dreaded call. My son found out who his owner was. He saw the post on Facebook. My heart was broken. I had to give up my CoCo. Timmy tried to comfort me and assured me that I would find another dog.

Two weeks later I saw a post on Facebook - a lady had rescued a dog and after adopting her, found out she was pregnant. Her dog had 6 puppies. She was looking for forever homes for these puppies. I contacted her immediately and was at her house within the hour. And now I have a puppy no one can take from me. Meet Sparkle:

Look at THAT face! OMG! Sparkle is sweet and sassy all at the same time. She has already changed my life. I'm in LOVE.

A couple of years ago I attended a business training and they advised all entrepreneurs who work from home to have a dog. It forces them to stop working, get up and tend to the dog. It forces stay-at-home workaholics to go outside. And it is true! I am glued to my laptop all day long but with Sparkle, I have to take her outside at least once an hour. I have sat on my rocking chair on my patio more these last 3 weeks then I have all year. I have worked on my neglected plants while she sniffs around looking for a good place to go potty. This week I sat out there with her and enjoyed the rain. I wouldn't have done any of this without my Sparkle!!

I am sure I will be annoying with all my puppy pics on my social media feeds. I apologize in advance. When you come to my studio, you will meet her. She will be there with me. I'm pretty sure you will fall in love with her too!

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