Adrienne contacted me about doing a Family Session and because of our similar busy schedules, we didn't get to meet for a pre-consultation. Although she and I have never met, I kind of feel like I know her - her aunt is a very dear friend of mine. And her husband Brandon is a truck salesman that sells my husband Timmy a new truck every 3 years or so. So they didn't feel like strangers. But I had never really spent any time with them prior to our session.
They arrived at my studio and I was introduced to their two precious daughters - Lexi & Brae. They brought their outfits to change into and while mom and dad were getting ready, I started photographing the girls. And fell in love. These two little beauties were so charming with their big bright smiles and easy personalities. They are so well behaved and sweet and loved posing for my camera!!
After a few shots in my studio, we headed to Pebble Beach. I never get tired of going down there. There are always sounds of families laughing and having a good time. Everyone is friendly and don't seem to mind my intrusion as I use it for my photos. The girls had a blast putting their feet in the water and we got some really great and fun photos.
My time with the Eagles family was such a pleasure. It was so easy and relaxed and I felt like I'd known them forever. They are an adorable family and I am pleased as punch that they chose me to capture their first ever family photo shoot!!! Love you guys!!