Wedding Chat with Sande | Wedding Hashtags
Oh Snap! How fun are wedding hashtags! I love them and am always impressed with the creativity of my bride & grooms choices. When my daughter Desiree got married (almost 3 years ago - wow!), her hashtag was #HappilyEverMartinez. I loved it so much!!
At a wedding, guests usually get all dressed up and looking good and come with cell phone in hand - ready to take photos and selfies. Of course they are going to post these pictures to their social media pages. But if you have a hashtag for them to include in their post, you can have all of your guests photos consolidated in one place for everyone to see. This is a fun & easy way for the bride & groom and their guests (and nosy photographers!) to look at the next day and see all those wonderful photos taken by everyone at the event.
Don't wait for the wedding day to start using it! The bride & groom should start using their hashtag from the very beginning of the process. This can help document all the events leading up to the wedding, like showers and parties, shopping for the dress, getting their marriage license and then even after the wedding at the honeymoon! Include your hashtag on your wedding website & Save The Date cards. Now you have a storybook of the entire event from the planning stages to the honeymoon!!
But how do you create the hashtag? Unless you just have a super creative mind - that's not an easy thing to do. We had a going away party for my sister last year and I racked my brain for a catchy phrase to use. I even used those hashtag generators, still wasn't impressed. We finally settled for something very basic #FarewellHowards. Not too creative but it worked. Sometimes its better not to overthink it.
If you are also not good at this - enlist the help of your friends! The more brains working on it the better. Maybe put it on Facebook and ask for suggestions. You'll be surprised at the responses you will receive! The important thing is to keep is simple. You want people to use it and if it's too hard, or has words that are hard to spell etc - people aren't going to take the time. Also, capitalizing the first letter of each word can help make easier to read and remember.
Once you've decided on it, have something printed with the hashtag to put at the sign in table and guest tables. You can even include it on programs or have it printed on the cocktail napkins. These are the cards we printed for my sister's going away party. We had several of these cards printed and placed at all guest tables:

Lastly, once you've thought of a hashtag, go to social media and test it. Has someone else already used it? If so, add or change something to make it unique to avoid your photos getting mixed with someone else's wedding.
That's about it! Have fun with it!