West H.S. Senior | Jaclyn
The first time I photographed Jaclyn was at her aunt Amanda's wedding. Jaclyn sang a beautiful song for them and I photographed her singing. I also see Jaclyn singing at Faith Family Church. She has an A-MAZ-ING singing voice. It is an effortless, beautiful voice.
When her mom asked me to take her senior photos - I was thrilled. I knew I was going to enjoy taking pictures of her - she is so gorgeous.
I had never really met or spent any time with Jaclyn. During her photo shoot, I discovered how beautiful and elegant she is. Besides singing I learned she is active in sports and FFA and is happiest when she is eating Mac & Cheese balls. Jaclyn only had one request for her session - she had to have pictures with her super cool car - a hot Camaro! That was the very first thing we did!!
Thank you so much Jaclyn & Victoria for choosing me to document this proud moment in your lives. Jaclyn is such an awesome young woman and I'm so blessed to have got to spend this time with you!! Your future is bright so SHINE ON!