Wedding Chat with Sande | Guest Etiquette
My blog today is a little different - instead of advice to brides I'm giving advice to guests. In the last 4 years, I photographed lots of weddings. The bride and groom and their families work so hard to create an affair that will be fun and memorable for themselves and their guests. As a photographer, I am quietly behind the scenes, observing and capturing it all. I thought I'd share some tips to being a good guest.
1. RSVP. I've already addressed this in a prior blog. It is so hard to plan a large event without knowing how many people to prepare for. You have to know how many tables and chairs to set up. And most importantly is the caterer needs to know how much food to prepare! This is the easiest way you can help a bride. RSVP ~and~ before the deadline. Don't wait until the day before the wedding to message the bride on Facebook and let her know you are coming!!!
2. DON'T ARRIVE TOO EARLY. A lot goes in to preparing for a big day. I have seen guests arriving way to early and the wedding party is still trying to get the last touches on everything. The guests want to chat with the mother of the bride who isn't even dressed yet and trying to get last minute things completed.
3. YOUR CHILDREN. I may step on some toes here. Why do people let their kids run wild at weddings? Like it's a playground! Ok fine, let them run. But when something important is happening like speeches, first dances, etc - sit them down!! I'm sure the bride and groom think your children are precious but do they need them running around when they are trying to having their romantic first dance? Or trying to listen to their maid of honor give a heartfelt speech? I've seen kids running right through the middle of the speeches and I look around and I see no parent even trying to corral them!
4. THE PHOTOGRAPHER - Hiring a photographer for the wedding is one of the biggest expenses of the day. The bride and groom want every moment documented. Please be courteous and let the photographer have room to take pictures. That doesn't mean you can't take pictures! Phone pictures are great because they are shared instantly on social media and everyone loves that. But just don't push your way to the front. I had a guest once flat refuse to move from in front of me. Plus phones have super bright flashes and it causes photos to get over exposed. Just be aware of what is happening and let the photographer get their snaps and then you can snap all you want as well!!
Well, that's it. I hope you still love me!