Victoria East H.S. Graduate | John
John's mother Amanda is very, very special to me. She is one of my daughter Desiree's best friends. When they were teenagers, Amanda was at my house so much that I threatened to ask for her social security number so I could claim her on my taxes!! LOL! But I always enjoyed Amanda's presence - she is sweet, quiet and has a heart of gold. So I am not surprised that she has raised a young man just like her - sweet and quiet.
John is not only sweet and quiet but also smart! He is a Magna Cum Laude graduate of Victoria East High School and has already been accepted to St. Mary's University in San Antonio. John is going into the medical field and plans to become a doctor! I am so proud of him (and of Amanda)!!
Typical South Texas weather - rain was in the forecast the day of our shoot. And we did have some light sprinkles but we still carried on. John was a trooper and was eager to please both me and his momma. We shared some laughs - he and and I very similar fears - the fear of heights and the fear of spiders. We climbed some wrought iron steps that we could see through and only the desire for a great shot kept us both up there. Thank you John for holding my camera so I could hold on with both hands coming down!! Then we went into a really cool alley way with lots of ivy's growing and loved the location but we did those photos while moving around very slowly to avoid spider webs. But it was all worth it - we got fantastic pictures!
Congratulations to the entire Sanchez family for the achievements of this young man. I know you all must be so proud. John - thank you for being such a gentleman at our shoot - I wish you only the very, very best life has to offer!