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Hey Jude! Patterson Family Photos

I met the Patterson Family when little Jude was still in his mommy's tummy. We had to reschedule their maternity session a couple of times due to rain. This photo shoot was no different - also had to be rescheduled due to rain. That's South Texas for ya.

I hadn't seen Kevin since the maternity session so the first thing I asked him was "How's fatherhood?" He got a big cheesy smile on his face and said "its great!" Jordan told me that Kevin was a great father and seeing how wonderful he is with Jude made her fall in love with him all over again.

Jude is a such happy little boy. You can see how he is so adored and is so stinking cute! But he just couldn't figure out this lady with a camera. He started out smiling and then after a while he would just look at me like "I'm just not sure about you!". But we had a good time and they have memories to look back on forever.

Thanks Jordan for choosing me to capture the memories for your beautiful family.

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