Pastors Alex & Sandy Ordonez
I met Alex & Sandy about a year and a half ago when they were engaged and wanting to hire me as their photographer. I did their engagement, bridals and their wedding. Their pictures will always be some of my very favorites and I knew I had forever friends with them.
I learned from the get go that this couple was special. They were so genuinely sweet and fully devoted followers of Christ. So I was not too surprised when they announced that they were launching a new church, River of Life Church. I could tell ministry was in Alex's heart the first time I met them. I beyond honored when he contacted me and asked if I would take their picture for flyers and an upcoming website. I didn't hesitate to say yes.
We had a photo shoot in my studio and it was so wonderful to see them again. They shared that their heart was to reach the forgotten, the broken and the lost. I have no doubt they are going to introduce the love of Jesus Christ to those in Victoria who need it most.
Please join me in keeping them in prayer. Their road won't be easy but it will be fulfilling. Thank you Pastors Alex & Sandy for again choosing me!!