Family Photo Shoot | Jenny, Greg & Cameron
Jenny & Greg. This sweet couple in these photos are obviously too young to remember this ~ but ~ who else emembers Jenny & Greg from All My Children? I know I’m truly aging myself when I talk about this but I can’t help thinking about that as I type these names! I was OBSESSED with Jenny & Greg's love story on All My Children. Back in the 80's.
Ok, enough about that. Meet this Jenny & Greg. And their baby boy Cameron who is so stinkin’ adorable! If you say to Cameron “give me a hug” he doesn’t put his little arms around your neck. No. He puts his head on your shoulder. How sweet is that? I appointed myself an honorary grandmother to this little boy. And I have to brag a little bit. He took my hand and walked beside me during the photo shoot. I think he liked me too.
I am so happy I got to know Jenny & Greg. They have this comfortable, laid back vibe. They are soft spoken and both completely in love with Cameron. Cameron was a happy little one year old on this photo shoot. Didn’t quite know what to make of me with my camera in his face calling his name for an hour and a half but remained happy and was having a great time. He didn’t always sit where we wanted him too or pose like we wanted him too but I believe that his personality was captured in these images. When I was editing these pics, I could remember his sweet energy and big smile. I think that is what photos are supposed to do – not catch those perfect posed photos, but capture a moment in their lives that they can look back on and relive.
I know you’ll notice this in the photos but Jenny looked so beautiful. She had her make up done by Yurim Cabrera Makeup Artistry who never fails to make a girl flawless. Jenny’s eyes are so beautiful and Yurim just enhanced that with the perfect makeup.
As I have already said, I am grateful to have worked with such a sweet little family. I am grateful that what I now call a “job” has me spending time with people who are happy and are raising their child with the most important thing of all – lots of LOVE. Life is good.