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Kennedi is my first child photo session. When Kim McClure contacted me asking me to do a 1st birthday photo shoot with Kennedi, I immediately admitted to her that I didn’t have any experience at this. I've only photographed adults!! Kim said that was ok, she loved my work and trusted me to do it. She came to my studio and brought Kennedi with her. Kennedi immediately flashed me a big toothless smile and I was smitten. No way could I say no.

I got kind of excited. I ordered and purchased several things that I thought would make a great backdrop. I studied Pinterest baby pictures. When the day came – I felt ready.

Kim showed up with Kennedi and her babysitter Jackie. Kim and Jackie have been best friends since childhood. Jackie is such a blessing – you can tell she adores Kennedi just as much as Kim does. How wonderful to have your best friend as your babysitter!!

Kim brought such adorable outfits for Kennedi. Kennedi is a Valentine’s Day baby so of course there was lots of red. Kennedi is such a doll. She has such a sweet spirit. She never fussed, she never cried, she just smiled and had a great time. A real great time. She thought my studio was full of interesting things to investigate. Trying to keep her in one spot was a challenge for us! She wanted to walk around and check everything out!

Should I ever do a one year old again, I am going to place hidden cameras in my studio to document the craziness. I can only imagine how hilarious we all three looked. We were all three on the floor, acting silly trying to keep her attention long enough to snap a picture. I was praying internally that I was getting a shot or two that were useable! I joked with Kim that I would only do children if I could triple my price!!!!

What did keep her attention was the cake smash session. That sure kept her in one place. She immediately dug in but kept looking up at Jackie and Kim with those big blue eyes almost in disbelief that she was being allowed to tear into this cake. This photo shoot was almost two weeks ago and yesterday I still found icing in my studio!!

But it was all worth it. I am so pleased to announce that Kim was able to pick 50 photos from the shoot that she loved. I consider that a success.

Thank you Kim for trusting me with pictures of this beautiful, precious little girl. I think she gets her sweetness from you.

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