Just a thought.....

Am cleaning my desk today and taking care of tasks that I have put off. Today is "accomplishment" day. I am going to get rid of some of these stacks once and for all!
The picture I am posting today was taken on my 50th Birthday trip with my favorite girls to Estes Park, Colorado. I will never forget that trip as long as I live. Not only was I with my dearest friends, but the scenery was breathtaking. My friend Angela Reyes has a brother that has a vacation home in Estes Park who very generously trusted 5 crazy women to enjoy during this week long trip. I took this photo from one of the many decks on this GORGEOUS home. I probably took 100 photos at this moment because as the clouds moved, the scenery changed. It was just beautiful.
In my stacks I found this blog post that I printed that was written from one of my favorite authors - Stephen Mansfield. I have read several of his books and learn something from him everytime I read something he writes.
In this particular blog, he was reflecting on an airplane crash. His blog was on death. Death is certain isn't it? Ecclesiastes 7:2 says "Death is the destiny of everyone, the living should take this to heart"
I will quote this portion direction from his blog "I've always been moved how our founding fathers signed their letters "Momento Mori". It mean "Remember Death" in Latin. It was the way one man urged another to live a nobler, grander life. Remember that you will die my dear friend. Live now so that when that day comes, you will have fulfilled your great destiny."
I once attended Stephen Covey's 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People'. I remember a video they showed - it was a man's 80th birthday party. He was surrounded by family, grandchildren sitting on this lap, everyone smiling. Many people were sharing stories about their memories of the birthday boy. Lots of smiling and laughing. The point of the story was this - what kind of stories will be told at your 80th birthday party? Will people be remembering you with love and laughter? Will you be surrounded by your family?
I will quote one last person - my sweet Pastor Tamara Graff - she always says "what do you want God to say when you enter heaven - 'Well done!' or 'Well, you're done!'?"
Live today as if it is your last day. Tell people you love them. Smile more, complain less. I sometimes complain that my granddaughter Brianna walks too slowly. But most of the time she is walking slow is because she is looking at everything around her, truly stopping to smell flowers.
Momento Mori. Death will come. We don't know when. But it isn't here yet!!! Take risks. Be kind. Overlook the little things. So that when the day does come we can go Home without any regrets.