TBT - My First Boudoir Photo Shoot

So I knew I loved photography. I was seriously thinking about pursuing it as a business. Then boom - a thought came to my spirit. Boudior Photography. Where did that come from? I have no idea. Not once had I ever even thought of Boudoir Photography in my life. But I couldn't get it out of my mind. I opened my laptop and started to research. I knew immediately I loved what I was seeing.
I was so inspired by the images. These were photos of women who looked absolutely gorgeous. And their face reflected that they felt gorgeous. I knew I wanted to try it.
A few days later, my beautiful daughter Desiree was visiting from Houston. Whenever Desiree is visiting, her best friend Heather also visits. We were sitting there and I shared with them what I wanted to try. Heather loved the idea, said she would love to have her photos taken. Really Heather? Cool! Let's try it! So we set an appointment.
My mom had a chaise like love seat that she had been saying she wanted to get rid of. So I told her I wanted it. I had my husband pick it up and get it upstairs into my daughter's old bedroom. I went shopping and I bought candelabara's, furs, fabrics, sheets, masks, jewelry, hats - everything that I thought looked beautiful. It was so fun!!
Heather was also shopping - she bought some beautiful lingerie. And it was time. Heather showed up with her lingerie, some great heels and some jewelry of her own. I was ready - I had studied other studio's, Pinterest, everything I could find on the subject.
We had a blast together. I can't say that all the pictures were great - but we did get some photos that I thought captured her beauty. And I learned a lot of "what not to do" like have my reflection in the mirror, capturing the umbrella lights in the photos, etc etc. She was happy and I was hooked.
That was in October, 2012. After that I talked everyone around me into doing a Boudior with me. My daughter Desiree, my daughter-in-love Jessica, my sweet friends Lea & Angela. They were excited to do it and with every photo shoot I did, I felt like my pictures improved. So I felt I was ready to put it out there.
I created a Facebook business page and I was so happy women responded! Since that first photo shoot, I have photographed many beautiful women. These photo shoots are not pornography - in fact - I do not photograph nudes. I give the "appearance" of nudes, but I'm not about playboy photo shoots. I believe my photos are all tasteful and elegant. All of my beautiful clients have loved their photos and I have heard many testimonies of how the photo shoot empowered them. Women have told me the photo shoot made them realize they really are beautiful. One lady told me she has changed the way she dresses because she now could see she has a beautiful body. Another told me she couldn't stop crying because she didn't know she could be so beautiful. I have photographed young and mature women. AND - many of these photo shoots have been gifts for husbands and I can say that 100% of the recepients of these gifts have been delighted. So how could I NOT love Boudoir Photography??
My photography business has since branched out to other types of photography but my first love and passion will always be with Boudior Photography. If you have ever thought about having your photograph taken, consider a Boudior Photo Shoot. You won't ever regret it. Thank you Heather for being my first.